Friday, January 25, 2008

new version of 8 core techniques and rules

I added marks (******) next to rules and unit testing.

Rules are important, and rules are the essence in OR mapping/OU mapping. There are two reasons:

a. Nowadays mappings are easy. OR/OU mappings are "assumed". They are just the "basics" (so, VB/C# guys, learn OR now! java guys, learn OU now!). As a result, the focus is "rule engine": the extent of "rule engine", and how to use "rule engine with those mappings". In short, nowadays, when you talk about rules, you already assume there they are based on OR/OU mappings.

b. More importantly, I noticed that users care much less about those "mappings" (a.k.a. "glossary", "domain model") than "rules". As a result, I feel it is better to use "rules" as the subtitle, instead of "mappings". I am effectively using a more "use-case-oriented" item to represent the "domain model" section -- it is not "fair" to the "domain model" section, however, this way is more effective for communications with users. Again, although "rules" has a lot of "use case" characteristics, I put it under "domain model" section, because it also relates to domain model very closely, further, I use it to represent the whole section. The key that I can do this is that modern (i.e. OO based) rule engine usage always has a very strong requirement on a clear OO model, as a result, in real work, you do tend to mix rules with OO domain models.

(Note: I merged "logging" together with aop logging, and moved it to aop logging)

1. "OR mapping" (including "UOW", Unit of Work, equiv. to Siebel's BO)

(Note: I moved UI here; I added two new items to it, to expand the concept of OU mapping: "O", "OUmapping")

2. ("O") "entity": rules in entities, rules engine(******), scripting in entities

3. ("U") "Web2 UI": ("ActiveX" and "Ajax")

4. "Data Binding" ("OU mapping")

5. "transaction" (and non-transaction, with "facsades" and "workflows") (business service and workflows, tasks)
----------(I merged "unit testing" (******) together with "transaction")

6. "networking (at application level, as "connected applications")"
--i. async and sync EAI (background) "messaging" for integration and need "user push notification" (activities? or an area on every screen???)
--ii. batch EIM
--iii. offline web client
--iv. reporting server

7. "logging (that is runtime-configurable)"

8. "security"("authorization" and "authentication")